Looking to Sell Some Art?

Have a painting, sculpture or another piece of art that you need help selling?


Over $10,000,000 to Buy Art!

Did you inherit, receive or purchase a piece of art that you want to sell? If so you're in the right place! I've been buying, selling and appraising art for over 20 years and have a large group of clients with OVER $10,000,000 to spend on art!

Not every piece is appropriate, but let's talk and find out if yours is. You can request a free appraisal or send a message.

If you're an artist,  I'm sorry, but I can't help you appraise or sell your work.

"Very easy to work with Gary, got my payment first before I sent the painting.  His buyer paid for shipping as well!  Got my painting sold in 48 hours and all I had to do was drop it off to Fedex and they took care of packing and shipping it.  Pleasure to work with Gary, very professional and no BS."
Chuck Gyory Virginia


How does it work?

  • There is no fee for the appraisal.
  • There is also NO fee to the seller. Instead, there is a 10% charge to the buyer of the piece.
  • Most pieces are sold in 24-48 hours!
  • Payment is made using either a Bank Check, Bank Wire, Paypal, COD or in certain cases CASH. You will receive payment BEFORE you ship your piece.
  • There is NO risk and I can provide a complete list of references.
  • All art is transported​​ through UPS, USPS, FEDEX or Craters and Freighters.


What kind of art DON'T you buy?

Anything from a cruise line, sold in a hotel lobby. from TV auction (such as Global Fine Art) or by the artists listed below, as they have little resale value and are best sold on ebay.

  • Peter Max
  • Brito
  • Leroy Neiman Prints
  • Blue Dog
  • Thomas Kinkade
  • Wyland
  • Erte Prints
  • Dali Prints
  • Lee Reynolds
  • Anything from Park West Gallery.


What kind of art DO you buy?

Investment grade artwork including:

  • Paintings
  • High End Prints
  • Sculpture
  • Modern Art
  • Pop Art
  • Illustrations
  • Abstract Art

I buy all over the nation and have sold pieces for over $100,000. I'm currently negotiating several million dollar pieces.

My clients don't buy at auction, and only buy pieces that have not been exposed or shopped around.  They are from all over the U.S. and parts of Europe, and are serious purchasers.


"Gary helped me sell a collection of Charles Sebree paintings. He had them sold in under 24 hours and everything he promised he delivered on.  Got paid first, and the buyer even paid for the shipping.  The only fee Gary charged was 10% to the buyer, I offered to give him a fee but he declined it.  Would do business with him again."
Lawrence Lightner Washington DC