
Helpful information designed to guide you in the art appraisal and sales process.

Frederick Judd Waugh Oil Painting of the Sea

Ways To Sell Your Art

Looking for more information on how you can sell a valuable piece of art? This article on ways to sell your artwork can help educate you to the benefits, drawbacks and dangers of some of the most common ways people go about selling art.

Auction Pitfalls

The auction route is a very popular way to sell fine art. But there are problems and deceptive practices out there. This article on auction houses takes a look at auction house fee fixing to consignors and buyers.

My Opinion of Park West Gallery

Art galleries are avid buyers of art, and they have a large amount of ways to get it. I highly suggest caution when dealing with them. This piece examines my opinion of Park West Gallery along with some news coverage they've received.